Before the Music Starts

Just what the world needs, right? . . . Another figure skating web site. And yet, the truly obsessed among us know there can never be too many (good) figure skating sites, just like there can never be too much figure skating.

I have been watching figure skating, more or less obsessively, since 1991. You’d think after 25 years, I’d be bored. But I’m not! For whatever reason, my love of skating continues to grow, year by year. There’s always something new happening, always more to learn. And, I find, talking and writing about skating is almost as much fun as watching it. Hence, this site. I hope that other people who also love skating will enjoy reading it from time to time. And, I hope that I can keep it updated somewhat regularly! I probably won’t ever be able to provide as much content as some of the figure skating writers whom I admire and enjoy reading. But, my goal is that, when I do have something to say, I’ll try to share it here.

My perspective on figure skating is an observer’s perspective. I do skate myself–I’ve taken lessons, both as a child and an adult, and have passed my first USFSA free skating and moves-in-the-field tests. But I’m not a coach or a competitor or a choreographer or an expert. Yet, it’s been my experience over the years that observers and fans often have a surprising and impressive amount of knowledge and insight into this sport. So I am rather proud, actually, to speak from that perspective.

One thought on “Before the Music Starts

  1. Nancy Ainsworth

    Welcome…I am enjoying your blog. When I lived in Boston as a child, we went to the Boston Skating Club. We knew the Albright family ( my Father and Tenley’s were both doctors and friends). I do not skate but so enjoy watching it. I really appreciate your analyses.

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